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5,4 of 10 star Duration 2 Hours, 2 minutes Catherine Hardwicke Audience score 398543 vote Release Year 2008 brief Bella Swan moves to Forks and encounters Edward Cullen, a gorgeous boy with a secret
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Musguard. Kuzgun 17. Kuzgun final. Running list of terms used during the WATC Webcasts, if anything is missing or incorrect please comment and the master list will be updated! Thanks! CARE: Center for Animal Research and Education, name of the animal sanctuary where the cats live. Full description here: WATC: "Walk Around the Compound" webcast, usually uploaded twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) Fancy Cast: A once weekly WATC available for $1 a month on Patreon, link here: Trailer here: Fancycast Trailer | BigCatDerek Patreon Exclusives! Fancy People: People who are Patreon supporters Peets: Paws, very adorable. Death peets (when claws are out) are less adorable, but impressive Snuffles: Also known as "chuffs", affectionate sounds tigers and snow leopards make. Lions/leopards/cougars do not make this noise Vapors: When a cat is in heat. All cats with opposite sex mates are fixed (either spayed, neutered, or vasectomized). Crazy/frisky pants or Kill-Play: When cats are feeling playful/frisky/impulsive, not necessarily aggressive, but yeah, they could cause some damage. Proteins: Food they eat, mostly horses and cows, sometimes chicken treats. All donated to CARE, only animals that are accepted are old/injured animals. They will not put down healthy animals. Squeak: Sound cougars make, sounds similar to a meow, beyond adorable, listen at your own risk. Squeak compilation here: Rapid Fire Squeaks! | Best Squeak Vines Compilation Of All Time Moo: A lot of tigers make this noise, does sound like a cow moo or Tibetan throat singers. Kind of a "loooove meeee" kind of noise. Moo compilation here: All the Moos | Tiger Moo Compilation Stinky face: Officially called the flehman response, they partially open their mouth showing their teeth and stick their nostrils open, will happen when something stinky/interesting is around. Stink snuffles: Combination of a stinky face and snuffles, cute and funny, currently exclusive to Divali Skettio face: When cats get blood from their proteins on the face and peets while eating, a similar but more terrifying look to a toddler trying to eat spaghetti-os Blep: When the cat sticks out their tongue ever so slightly, sickeningly cute. Stuffies: Stuffed animals given to the cats, you are more than welcome to donate some. Please make sure to only give stuffed animals that have stuffing and not beeds or other fill that could be harmful to the cats. CARE will make sure to remove any hard objects from the stuffies (like plastic eyeballs or noses) so the cats do not accidentaly swallow them. Pointy stick: Evil vet Dr. Bill will use a pointy stick to administer medication/sedation to the cats (again, no one gets into the enclosures unless cats are sedated). He"s not really evil, but the cats don"t like being pinched. Fall Festival: Event in November (usually two weekends) where they plan specific events for people to see such as pumpkin bobbing, peets in circles, tiger tug-o-war, pinata destruction, and general adorableness. Furry Fiesta: Once a year event in Dallas for furries, they have been long time supporters and big donaters to CARE. Guide to furries here: Big Guide To Furries Welcome Center/Tours: If you’d like to visit CARE (I mean, why wouldn’t you? ), you’ll pull up and see the Welcome Center first where you’ll wait until it’s time for the tour (plus there are some awesome t-shirts for you to show off to all your friends). Tours are on the weekends at various times depending on the time of year and weather. More info on them here: Nicknames! Beebees/Ra/Zubs: Aarli & Zuberi, brother lions born in 2014, parents are Mwali and Noel, they had a third brother Jelani who passed away suddenly when he was a cub. They are better than Teegees Teegees/Sladeo-Potato/Boom-a-Choo: Slade and Boomer, very ugly tigers, once in a blue moon they"ll do something cute. Sweebees: Naya and Shaanti, they love to be sneaky and beautiful Fleabees/Val-Val: Divali (Val-Val) and Nadal, very snuffly and lovable, expert stink snufflers Sass/Sass-um-Frass: Cassie, she"s a cougar who is full of love and squeaks. Don’t let her affection fool you, she would probably cause you great bodily injury given the chance. Yano: Solano, white pirate tiger, might be part cow, expert on conspiracy theories and government secrets. Banana/Nano: Savanna, she looks a lot like a banana. Also the prettiest pirate. She passed away in September of 2018. Wawa/Wa/Noey/Noey-no-lion: Mwali and Noel, they"re like the popular football player/cheerleader couple from high school. Mwali passed away suddenly in June 2017, his necropsy showed he was a cat not meant long for this world. Pawi/Paw-Paw: Kannapalli, has whisper moos and snuffles, gets the best pee-range, loves his ducks, and flirting with younger tigers. He passed away in 2018, he was a very big and very old guy, we were all very lucky to have known him. Mita/Pita: Melita, very beautiful tiger, can wear crazy pants, but does lay on the dorbs pretty heavily when she"s feeling good. Firebug: Fire, adorable and lovable, perfect blep Luccha-Lu: Allucia, lives with her three bros, very pretty girl Pezzer: JP, lives with his two brothers Luca and Jake, and his sister Allucia, really good at tug of war. Ezzie/Ezzie-Ezzie-Choo-Choo: Ezra, is training for his upcoming moo battle with Yano. Sounds like chewbacca. Dali: Dahlia the three legged guanaco who is very lovable, she has served as a surrogate mother to the beebees and teegees when they were very little. Sweet but will also cause some trouble. Sheriff Baggy: Patrols around the vet center making sure there are no invaders (mice) and that the interns don’t slack off. Baggy doesn’t take any guff from anyone for example this video: Brave housecat challenges LION Mr. Stinks: AKA Poopy, doggo who is usually happy and excited for everything, helps motivate cats to go into their lockdown. Craig: large green ball currently living in Kiara’s enclosure. Had a long term and complicated relationship with lioness Tabula (also known as Boo Bear) who passed away December of 2015. You can see some of their interaction here: Travis: Tiger puppet who comes out on occasion, a bit of a perv/womanizer, not suitable for children. Gafloogelflagels (spelling may vary): Cougars Apollo and Lakai. They are not blood brothers, but they have been together since they were very young. The nickname comes from Heidi saying that Derek would probably give them a stupid nick name like “gafloogelflagels” and it has stuck Editor Derek: Derek’s more cynical personality, would write snarky subtitles on the early WATC webcasts, has been missing for a long time due to time constraints. Pride: Supporters/fans of CARE and supporters of everything that benefits animals. Feed day/clean day: They do not feed the cats everyday (they keep their feed schedules close to what they would be naturally). Feed day is usually filled with frisky happy cats pre-feed, and then possessive or sleepy cats post-feed. They often frisk up once they hear the tractor start up. Clean day is when the cats need to "lock up" so they can clean their enclosures. Lockdown: Smaller area in the enclosures where cats will lock up so staff/volunteers/interns can safely clean the enclosure. Sweet/Suite Guests: People who are staying in the CARE Safari Suites, you can view the rooms plus read all of the perks of these suites here (and yes, the fur is fake): Also make sure to follow CARE on social media as there are giveaways to stay in the suites from time to time. Vet Center: Building where cats are recovering from surgery/illness, also where lemur & coati food gets prepared, medicine is prepared, interns stay in the attached building, plus used for a multitude of other things. Currently Raven and Bindi live in the vet center as they get more attention and love whenever someone comes in. #TeamBeeBees/#TeamTeeGees: Battle between which team is cuter and just overall more awesome. TeamBeeBees is obviously much better than TeamTeeGees, but it"s ok if you want to go to the dark side. (in seriousness, this is all tongue in cheek, no one really hates the beebees or the teegees, this is just a fun thing to tease each other about). Heidi: Big cat mom, Founder of CARE, and totally awesome and knowledgeable. She is usually busy doing things for the cats and doesn"t appear often on the WATC webcasts, but check out WATC #100 that was hosted by her (also when Mia was first shown as a kitten! ). Plus see how the cats react to her here: Big Cat MOM | Heidi makes the rounds Jamie: Vice President at CARE, is able to tell the lemurs apart (possibly by witchcraft), also hosted WATC #214 Dr. Bill: Long time vet for the animals at CARE, Cats are not always a fan of him as he usually means the pointy stick is going to poke them. More FAQ and information here: BigCatDerek FAQ | Your most-asked questions! "Hi, new subscribers! " | WATC 288 "Q&A Ramble Smash" | WATC 200 Please make sure to go to for more (and less tongue in cheek) info on each cat. Plus info on cats who have passed away who may be referenced from time to time. Raven peets for attention!
The phone vibrates in Brian’s lap and, taking his hand off the wheel, he reaches for it only to knock it unceremoniously between the center console and the driver’s seat, where he sat in the late model gold Toyota on his way to pick up his roommate from work. “Fuck my life, ” Brian mumbles under his breath, wiping the cold snot lining his nostrils across the arm of the long-sleeved shirt he’s been wearing for the past three days. Actually, who can count? He may well have been wearing it the whole week. He reaches down to the power cord plugged into the cigarette lighter, wanting to fish the slippery phone out from no-hands’ land and, attempting to stifle a sneeze, pulls the plug right out from the back of the phone which falls back into the abyss with a taunting “cli-clack”. The decoupling causes a sudden give in the taught cable and sends him into a rage. He pulls the plug out of the dash and proceeds to whip himself on his bare calf with the cable. “Awrrghhh, ” he whines, rearing back with the cable to strike himself again. “Yea, take it bitch, ” he commands of himself, a slight smile appearing just above what might have been a five o’clock shadow at five o’clock some four days ago. “It hurts so good, doesn’t it? You fucking weirdo. ” His legs, previous poster-children of restless leg syndrome, temporarily stop their rapid shaking as he rubs the red strip slowly rising up in his pale skin. He grabs some of the ginger hair that keeps his legs from being mistaken for exsanguinated corpse flesh and twists it hard one time before rearing back with the green USB cable. He bears down with the cable again, harder this time and lets out a yelp, seemingly of pain, but the look on his face, that silly crooked smile of someone who is truly losing it, says otherwise. The hierarchy of pain is an odd thing, but Brian has learned to take advantage of it during these times of withdrawal. “Moments ago I hurt everywhere. Now I just hurt right here, ” he thinks to himself, rubbing the red strip of raised flesh, trying to convince himself that he’s not some masochistic lunatic. These symptoms happen whenever Brian goes more than 24 hours without his almighty cure-all, his heroine: heroin. He’s already spent all the money that he so slickly conned out of his aunt on his insatiable habit and is now rushing to pick up his roommate, the wonderful Sandra, who very well may want to send him on a sketchy mission to procure more of the holy substance. She would undoubtedly share with him, just as he had with her. To be quite honest though, she’s carried much more of the burden in this relationship than he. This fact makes him want to escape from the reality of it all the more. He hits the cruise control, pulls forward on the seat belt and, like a contortionist, reaches his hand around the back of and underneath the driver’s seat, retrieving the elusive phone with his finger tips. He pulls it into view, corrects the course of the vehicle with his knee on the wheel, narrowly missing the back end of an 18-wheeler, and reads the offending message from Sandra: “I’ve got an emergency faculty meeting and won’t need you to pick me up for at least another hour. Why don"t you go pick up new points at the pharmacy? We’ll get well after I get off. ” “Son of a bitch, ” Brian whines, thinking about the eternity that another hour of this torture will feel like. He thinks about the difficulty of picking up new insulin syringes, what Sandra referred to as “points. ” This requires him to walk up to the pharmacy counter and act like a straight, up-standing citizen who suffers from diabetes, a simple enough task under normal circumstances, but far more difficult when sweating profusely and actively experiencing the paradoxical relief of the inflicted pain of USB cables and mini-Indian burns. Brian would very much like both to “get off” and to “get well, ” however, so he plugs “Walgreen"s” into the phone to receive GPS directions to the nearest one. There is one just two blocks further down from where he was heading already, passed Sandra’s work. He starts taking deeper breathes, trying to calm down, and takes some Axe body spray out of the center console. He sprays himself across the chest and under his arms, hoping that the clean smell will deter any upstanding citizen from seeing the truth of his deplorable circumstances. The sudden smell tickles his nose and sends him into another sneezing spell. To sneeze eight times in a row and not crash the car is no small feat, but his pride is short-lived as a cramping pain in his bowels causes him to almost double over in his seat. A sound like a bubbling oil pool emanates from and rumbles his whole torso. He scantly wishes for death, an end to all this needless, self-induced suffering. He slams on the brakes, noticing the light ahead is red, but he slides too far into the intersection. He sees the flash of the red light cameras snapping a picture of the license plate. “God dammit! Sandra is going to kill me, ” Brian said aloud. The car he’s driving is Sandra’s and she would be responsible for that ticket. He has already got her a ticket once before. “I am the worst friend ever. I really think people would be better off if I were dead. ” The light turns green and Brian pulls forward and into the Walgreen"s. He gets out of the car and into the store, walking towards the pharmacy. He tries to go into the men’s room but the door is locked. He bumps into a lanky man of about six feet with a large black trench coat on in spite of the extreme heat outside. He shoves Brian a little bit forward, saying “Watch it, ass hole. ” Brian, needing more than anything to empty his bowels, calls out “Sorry, ” as he passes by him en-route to the counter waving a hand up in apology without looking back. He asks the pharmacist quickly for the keys to the bathroom, trying not to look as desperate as he truly was. The long-haired Indian woman with a ruby bindi in her third-eye smiles and reaches into her lab coat pocket and shifts around inside. She pulls out the keys and slides them jingling across the counter toward Brian’s outstretched, grateful hands. He thanks her and quickly makes his way into the restroom. He has no time to be concerned with putting the sanitary covers over the seat and, only slightly grossed out, drops his trousers and sits immediately on the unsuspecting toilet. He lets out a small wail of simultaneous pain and relief in accompaniment to the sound of a bucket splashing into a lake which emanates up from between and beneath his legs. He sits there, almost out of breath, but feeling very relieved. He hears two loud banging noises through the bathroom door. “Someone’s shitty car must be back-firing in the parking lot, ” he thinks to himself. He takes another few minutes on the commode to ensure the anal onslaught is over, and satisfied that it is, cleans himself up, washes his hands and face in the sink and dries up in the ridiculous blower attached to the wall, its jet engine drowning everything out, and echoing all over the tile bathroom. He turns back to find where he set the keys to the bathroom and heads out to the pharmacy counter, ready at last to try and social engineer his way to some new points. He opens the door and makes his way to the counter. “Holy shit, ” Brian thinks to himself as he notices the cash register lying on its side at the foot of the counter. Bottles lay all around it and a large metal cabinet, usually locked until the pharmacist accesses its contents, lays open at a 45 degree angle tipped over the counter. He looks around but there is not a single worker in sight. He rushes over and notices that all the bottles strewn across the counter and floor are controlled substances: narcotics! “Holy shit! Don’t mind if I do, ” he says to himself, grabbing a shopping bag and filling it with all of the bottles he could grab. Oxycontin, roxicodone, meperidine, demerol, dilaudid, morphine, methadone, some fentanyl transdermal patches, and a few other things that even his street pharmacist brain had never heard of were all thrown in the bag. Just when he was finishing up looting all the bottles on his side of counter, he leans over to see if he missed anything. On the floor just on the other side lay the long-haired Indian pharmacist, breathing shallowly and holding a wound on her neck, blood pouring out between her fingers. Brian immediately loops the pharmacopoeia over his sweaty, bony shoulders and jumps over the counter, grabs a spare lab coat hanging nearby and rushes to the pharmacist, immediately applying pressure with the coat. It quickly soaks through with the blood spewing from her neck. Her eyes look glossy and are wide with terror as she squeezes on Brian’s bicep as though she believes that if she could just hold on to this sickly junkie, the rushing darkness would not overcome her. All would be well and she could be tricked by Brian into selling him the works he came for. Brian quickly ascertains that this poor woman is lost to the world. Should he hold on with her till the bitter end, or should he break away with enough drugs to sate his thirst for at least a month? As he makes his decision a rookie police officer rushes into the pharmacy, his Glock 9mm pistol drawn. He sees the woman bleeding out, clutching at Brian’s arm, as he lurks over her, holding her neck with a bag full of stolen drugs slung over his shoulder. He fires a single shot straight into the back of Brian’s head. Brian’s face explodes into the Indian pharmacist’s dead eyes, her bindi lost in the dots of scarlet spraying her face. “Police! ” shouts the rookie officer.
Twilight - by LwFyjhj, June 06, 2020
4.8/ 5stars